

Since 1980 I have been photographing always with fun the performances of our theater-study-groups and our literature courses. I started with "The Madwoman of Chaillot" under the direction of Dr. Hoster. At that time it was still connected with a whole lot of work, because the photographs should be used to make advertisement for the perormance. There were no digital cameras or color printers. So I had to go down to the laboratory just after the shooting, take the film in the dark out of the camera, then develop, fix, rinse and dry it. Then make test exposures to compensate for the masking of the film and to avoid color faults, etc. Unfortunately, the format 30x40 did not fit into the roll developers (max. 18 x 24cm), but had to be developed in a drum so that it took hoursto make a few useful copies. Today, everything is much simpler: you shoot, possibly improve over the computer and print it out. The problem today is that you make too many photos. You might sort out a lot of pictures of minor quality, but that is not so easy. In addition, many of the actors would perhaps like to find herself/himself on a photo.

First time in 2014 I filmed some sequences during the performance the videos are at this point also published.